"But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name."

John 1:12

Monday, August 8, 2011

Route Quote Monday

"How sweet all at once it was for me to be rid of those fruitless joys which I had once feared to lose…You drove them from me, You who are true, the sovereign joy. You drove them from me and took their place, You who are sweeter than all pleasure." - St. Augustine

"The Christian life can be explained only in terms of Jesus Christ, and if your life as a Christian can still be explained in terms of you - your personaliy, your willpower, your gift, your talent, your money, your courage, your scholarship, your dedication, your sacrifice, or your anything -- then although you may have the Christian life, you are not yet living it." - Ian Thomas

"When we give our lives to Jesus Christ, we exchange the normal, comfortable for the radical, extreme and foolish. Normal Christianity means never being "normal" again." - Leslie Ludy

"My food is to do the will of my Father." John 4:34

"It is a privilege to lose everything for His sake."

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