"But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name."

John 1:12

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Quotable Tuesday

I would call this Bravehearted quotes. Bravehearted quotes are quotes that challenges a life that leaves no drop of unrighteousness, compromise and defeat, for the glory of the Mighty God. It challenges a life fully surrendered to the cross, without leaving hint for the flesh. That is the life I desire. That is the life God called us to have.

These quotes are taken from one of the documentation of Ellerslie students at Ellerslie (http://issuu.com/BenMcElmurray/docs/ep-special-issue/11). I love reading it because it makes me want to surrender more to the Lord. Reading about them and what God has done encourages me to live a life worthy of the Gospel. It makes me be willing to be used by God all the more. It makes me see all the more how great and awesome is our God. It makes me desire and hunger to seek God more. He is WORTHY. To learn more about Ellerslie, go to http://www.ellerslie.com/.

"Fact is fact. Truth is Truth. It does not matter how you feel. We do not listen to our feelings. We believe the truth of God's word." - Eric Ludy

"My calling is Jesus. It never changes. My position in life can change, but our focus isn't supposed to be there... but on our calling." - Nathan Johnnson

"We are to be holy as He is holy. If we deny that in our lives, we are proclaiming to the world that His power is not enough." - Ben Zornes

"Real Christianity is the ultimate exchange of my life in Christ's. You cannot just fit Jesus into your life. Our lives must be built around Him." - Leslie Ludy

"If you want to live the Christian life, you will have to realize that Someone Else has to  be in control." - Eric Ludy

"Jesus says if you want to have me, you must give up that other thing that has you." - Eric Ludy

"The road to martyrdom is paved with a thousand daily deaths." - Ben Zornes

"You cannot have complete joy without complete surrender." - Elsje Bothe

"When you ask to see God do you realize you are asking for a death?" - Ben Zornes

"Jesus was restrained by the Father to do only what the Father was doing, and You are to be restrained by the Spirit to do only what Jesus is doing!" - Eric Ludy

"You're looking for couneslors, there are 66 in the Bible." - Eric Ludy

"When we pray in the name of Jesus, we carry the authority of heaven." - Eric Ludy

"God is not interested in you doing this for Him, He is interested in doing things THROUGH you." - Eric Ludy

"Questions are like lettuce for your spiritual digestive system!" - Ben Zornes

"He wants to free you from you, to be about Him!" - Eric Ludy

"I'm glad that our God is not the guy with a pony-tail who wants to toss a frisbee with His saints." - Eric Ludy

"Everything in this world is designed to oppose your forward movement!" - Eric Ludy

"Be a man, Bride of Christ!" - Ben Zornes

"You could take just a slice of the gospel and study it for over a month of your life." - Eric Ludy

"A heart set-apart is closed to everything that is contrary to the nature of God." - Grace McConnaughey

"You do not sit at the feet of Jesus so you can correct others. It is not your job to convict; it's the Holy Spirit's." -Thaysse Costa

"Jesus may be your homeboy, but if He isn't your Savior and Lord, you're still going to hell." - Ben Zornes

I have learned so much in the past month. God has pruned me, broke me then restored me. God has continued to prove Himself faithful. The Holy Spirit has convicted me of so many ugly things in my heart. He then provided His guidance, love and revelation upon revelation in every area and that made me repent completely and die to myself. He set me free from those filthy ugly things. I have grown because of that. I am not the person I used to be. I am made NEW. Praise the Lord! I continue to grow in His love with His calling on my forehead and Jesus in my heart. I wait in expectation as He take me deeper into His presence and prepare me for the Higher calling He has planned in my life. He is amazing. Beyond words.

One day, I will be in Ellerslie for one year set-apart season. I am believing God in that. ;) There is nothing impossible with God.


  1. What's with the one year set apart thing, dai?

  2. Ellerslie has a training program for 3 semesters yanny.. For one year straight. Away from the world, and seeking the Lord in a deeper way. I desire to do it yanny.. Before I go home.. Praying and hoping in the Lord. Wana join?

  3. ari yanny o.. http://www.ellerslie.com/Training_Programs.html
