"But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name."

John 1:12

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

God loves Details

God loves details, even the littlest details. I have heard it once in a God-written love story how God loves details. It is so inspiring. I know it is TRUE. I never thought He would show me the same way.

Yesterday, I was given a task to teach a mission story to the children in a Good News Club (by CEF). The story was about a missionary who was born in Honduras. I was given a one page illustration of the missionary as a snapshot of the story. The time given to me was 5 minutes. The illustration itself will not show so much details of the story that I was about to tell. Ideas came on how to add more visuals to enhance the storytelling. The story told about this boy who enjoyed making slingshots with his friends. I have seen slingshots in the Philippines but here in the US, I haven't seen any. I am not sure if they use it here but to my understanding, they don't use it here. So I know I cannot get a real one to show the kids so I thought I will just show them a picture of it.

As I walking home, I happened to see a branch on the street. It is a Y-shaped branch that is just the same to the one they used for making slingshots. I took it with me to class. As I was teaching, the kids didn't understand what a sling shot is and how it works even after showing them a picture. When I showed them the branch, their eyes lit with amazement and they were so overjoyed!

How true that God loves the details! He knew I was going to teach that lesson. He knew that the kids wouldn't understand what a sling shot is and so He gave! He put the branch on my path so I can use it. It is so rare to see a branch that perfectly resembles a Y! You can rarely see a branch that falls off a tree and it is perfectly shaped and cut for a sling shot!

I was so overjoyed too and looking at the branch made me fall in love with Jesus more. This branch reminds me of His faithfulness and power! He answers the prayers you don't even know you need. What a life-changing moment!

He cares about the details of our lives too. He cares about His call for us. When He calls us to do something, He also provides for everything that we need. He is our provider. He knows ALL things. "He is before ALL things and IN Him, all things HOLD together." Colossians 1:17

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