"But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name."

John 1:12

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Live not in the lowlands of bondage now that mountain liberty is conferred upon thee. Rest no longer satisfied with thy dwarfish attainments, but press forward to things more sublime and heavenly. Aspire to a higher, nobler, a fuller life. Upward to Heaven! Nearer to God!"
- Charles Spurgeon

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Take Over by Tye Tribett

All we want is YouTake over, Take over'Til we are consumedBy nothing, nothing else but You

All we want is YouTake over, Take over'Til we are consumedBy nothing, nothing else but You

All we want is YouTake over, Take over'Til we are consumedBy nothing, nothing else but You

All we want is YouTake over, Take over'Til we are consumedBy nothing, nothing else but You

Lord, take my mindTake my heart, take my will
I give it all, I want more of YouAll we want is more of You

Lord, take my mindTake my heart, take my willI give it all, I want more of YouAll we want is more of You

All we want is YouTake over, Take over'Til we are consumedBy nothing, nothing else but You

All we want is YouTake over, Take over'Til we are consumedBy nothing, nothing else but You

Lord take over, take over

Friday, September 14, 2012

Inspiring Story of Baron Von Kamp

I read this story from The Auto Biography of George Muller and it has totally opened my eyes to living for Jesus and loving others. I pray that it will bless you as well.

March 4th 1841

March 4. For the encouragement of believers who are tried by having unconverted relatives and friends, I will relate the following circumstance which I know is true. Baron von Kamp, who lived In Prussia, had been a disciple of the Lord Jesus for many years. In the year 1806, great financial dis­tress came upon many thousands of weavers in the area. They had no employment because the whole continent was in an unsettled state from the war. I he baron believed that it was the will of the Lord to use his wealth to furnish these poor weavers with work, in order to save them from complete ruin There was not only no prospect of personal gain, but rather the certain prospect of immense loss. Nevertheless, he found employment for about six thousand weavers.

But the baron was not content with this. He also wanted to minister to the souls of these weavers. He set believers as overseers over his immense weaving concern. The weavers were instructed in spiritual things, and he personally shared the truth of the gospel with them.

The work went on for a good while until at last, on account of the loss of most of his property, he was obliged to think about giving it up. But by this time, his precious act of mercy had proven its worth to the government. It was taken up by them and carried on until the times changed. Baron von Kamp was appointed director of the whole con­cern as long as it existed.

This dear man of God was not content with this. He traveled through many countries to visit the prisons for the sake of improving the physical and spiritual condition of the prisoners. He also assisted poor students at the University of Berlin, especially those who studied theology, in order to win them for the Lord.

One day a talented young man heard of the aged baron's kindness to students. He wrote to the baron, requesting his assistance because his own father could not afford to support him any longer. A short time afterward, young Thomas received a kind reply from the baron, inviting him to come to Berlin. But before this letter arrived, the young student had heard that Baron von Kamp was a "pietist" or "mystic," as true believers were con­temptuously called in Germany. Young Thomas was deeply involved in philosophy, reasoning about everything, questioning the truth of revela­tion, questioning even the existence of God. He disliked the prospect of going to the old baron for help. Still, he thought he could try, and if he did not like it, he was not obligated to remain in con­nection with him.

Thomas arrived in Berlin on a day when the baron was out of town on business. He began to speak about his philosophies to the steward of the baron. The steward, however, was a believer, and he turned the conversation to spiritual things.

At last the baron arrived. He received Thomas in the most affectionate and familiar manner. The baron offered him a room in his house and a place at his table while Thomas studied in Berlin. Thomas accepted the offer.

The baron now sought in every way to treat the young student in the most kind and affectionate way, to serve him as much as possible, and to show him the power of the gospel in his own life. He did all this without arguing with him or even speaking to him directly about his soul. Thomas obviously had a skeptical mind, and the baron avoided getting into any argument with him. The .student often said to himself, "I wish I could get into an argument with this old fool. I would show him how irrational his beliefs are." But the baron avoided it.

When the baron heard the young student come home in the evening, he would go to meet him and serve him in any way he could, even helping him to take off his boots. Thus this lowly, aged disciple went on for some time. While Thomas still sought an opportunity for arguing with him, he wondered how the baron could continue to serve him.

One evening when Thomas returned to the baron's house, the baron was making himself his servant as usual. The student could restrain him­self no longer and burst out, "Baron, how can you do all this? You see I do not care about you. How are you able to continue to be so kind to me and serve me like this?" The baron replied, "My dear young friend, I have learned it from the Lord Jesus. I wish you would read through the gospel of John. Good night."

The student now for the first time in his life sat down and read the Word of God with an open heart and a willingness to learn. Up to that time, he had never read the Holy Scriptures unless he wanted to find out arguments against them. God blessed him. From that time he became a follower of the Lord Jesus and has continued in the faith ever since.

Source: Autobiography of George Muller
Image Source: Click Here

Monday, September 3, 2012

"If the most precious are tried in the fire, are we to escape the crucible? If the diamond must be vexed upon the wheel, are we to be made perfect without suffering?...Why and wherefore should we be treated better than our Lord?...It is a cowardly pride which would choose a downy pillow and a silken couch for a soldier of the cross. Wiser far is he who, being first resigned to the divine will, groweth by the energy of grace to be pleased with it, and so learns to gather lilies at the cross foot, and, like Samson, to find honey in the lion." - Charles Spurgeon

Monday, August 27, 2012

My Father's Birthday

Five years ago, my father gave me the ONLY card he gave me and it was for my birthday. Two years after, he died. That was the worst day of my life. I miss him so much! Today is his birthday and I wish I can give him another card, give him another kiss, another hug, another gift. I really regret leaving home for college. How I wish I can dance with him again. He died even before I fully understood the Gospel and gave my life to Jesus. When I did, I wondered if he DID. I shared Jesus to him before but I never knew if he ever received Him as His Savior. We prayed for him before he died but I never knew if he has EVER received Him as his personal Lord and Savior. It breaks my heart. So every time I think of Him, every time we remember him on various occasions, I am reminded of all the lost, of all who needed Jesus. I am reminded of those who are lonely and sick. The Bible says,"But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name." John 1:12. How about those who don't? We only have one life to live. We don't know what tomorrow will bring. We don't know what the next minute will bring. One thing is for sure, there is heaven and hell. There is Jesus who came down to earth from heaven to DIE for our sins that we may live! Forever. He loved you and me so He took ALL  our sins on that cross and PAID for it. So we do need to REPENT and completely turn away from our sins and RECEIVE Him as our Savior.

And for those of us who know and believed and received, let us reach out to someone, pray for someone or love someone for Jesus and His glory. We'll never know when it is too late.

For those who are with their loved ones, LOVE them. PRAY for them. TREAT them with honor and respect. I cannot wait to see my family, in His time...

God bless everyone!

Her Father's little girl,

Thursday, August 23, 2012


"No learning can make up for the failure to pray. No earnestness, no diligence, no study, no gifts will supply its lack." E.M. Bounds

"The prayer power has never been tried to its full capacity. If we want to see mighty wonders of divine power and grace wrought in the place of weakness, failure and disappointment, let us answer God's standing challenge, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not!'" (J. Hudson Taylor) 

"The men who have done the most for God in this world have been early on their knees. He who fritters away the early morning, its opportunity and freshness, in other pursuits than seeking God will make poor headway seeking Him the rest of the day. If God is not first in our thoughts and efforts in the morning, He will be in the last place the remainder of the day." E.M. Bounds

"Don’t pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it. A man is powerful on his knees." Corrie ten Boom

"Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still." E.M. Bounds

"0h brother, pray; in spite of Satan, pray; spend hours in prayer; rather neglect friends than not pray; rather fast, and lose breakfast, dinner, tea, and supper - and sleep too - than not pray. And we must not talk about prayer, we must pray in right earnest. The Lord is near. He comes softly while the virgins slumber." Andrew A. Bonar

"Satan does not care how many people read about prayer if only he can keep them from praying. Paul E. Billheimer

“Prayer is where the action is." John Wesley

“God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces of against evil …” E.M. Bounds 

 "Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our persons, but they are helpless against our prayers." Sidlow Baxter

"If I fail to spend two hours in prayer each morning, the devil gets the victory through the day. I have so much business I cannot get on without spending three hours daily in prayer.  Martin Luther

"Prayer strikes the winning blow; service is simply picking up the pieces."  S.D. Gordon

"One should never initiate anything that he cannot saturate with prayer."

"The greatest thing anyone can do for God or man is pray." S.D. Gordon 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

"For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps." 1 Peter 2:21
"The Bible proclaims that true Christians can be identified by a love that is wholly selfless. Supposedly, we are cheek-turners when struck, extra-mile-walkers when asked, cloak-givers when requested, and foot-washers in everyday situations. We are ready to forgive, without grievance and without being asked. Whether stabbed with unkind words or with daggers, we bleed grace, patience, gentleness, mercy, and kindness. And this is the way we are to live all the time, not just once a week." - Eric Ludy

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

"God is God. Because He is God, He is worthy of my trust and obedience. I will find rest nowhere but in His holy will that is unspeakably beyond my largest notions of what He is up to." 
- Elizabeth Elliot

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"One does not surrender a life in an instant--that which is lifelong can only be surrendered in a lifetime...Maturity is the accomplishment of years, and I can only surrender to the will of God as I know what that will is. This may take years to know, hence the fullness of the Spirit is not instantaneous but progressive as I attain fullness of the Word which reveals the will."
-Jim Elliot 

"There is no ongoing spiritual life without this process of letting go. At the precise point where we refuse, growth stops. If we hold tightly to anything given to us, unwilling to let it go when the time comes to let it go or unwilling to allow it to be used as the Giver means it to be used, we stunt the growth of the soul. It is easy to make a mistake here, "If God gave it to me," we say, " its mine. I can do what I want with it." No. The truth is that it is ours to thank Him for and ours to offer back to Him, ours to relinquish, ours to lose, ours to let go of --if we want to find our true selves, if we want real life, if our hearts are set on glory."
-Elisabeth Elliot

Perfect Jesus

"Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?" John 10:21

Throughout history, people protested against the idea of Christianity. They ridiculed and disagreed with Christianity in so many areas. However, no matter how they try to prove the existence of Jesus and the reality of Jesus being wrong, they just couldn't. Though logic tried to analyze and examine Jesus to prove it false, no one can ever prove that it is false. Because He is TRUE. He is perfect. No one can find fault in Him. He is all perfect. He is flawless.

When I think and read about that, I am humbled and I feel the honor of serving and following the One PERFECT God. I am grateful that His mercy brought me to Him, to follow Him and serve Him and not any other things and gods in this world. It is His mercy, not my own doing. It is His grace and love, not mine. What a GOD! What a Savior!

All Christians should be grateful that God calls us to follow Him. We can never go wrong with Him. It may be difficult but it is the way without regret.

God bless you all!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Quotes from Ellerslie

“Fact is fact. Truth is Truth. It does not matter how you feel. We do not listen to our feelings. We believe the truth of God’s word.” - Eric Ludy

My calling is Jesus. It never changes. My position in life can change, but our focus isn’t supposed to be there… but on our calling.” - Nathan Johnnson

We are to be holy as He is holy. If we deny that in our lives, we are proclaiming to the world that His power is not enough.” - Ben Zornes

“Real Christianity is the ultimate exchange of my life in Christ’s. You cannot just fit Jesus into your life. Our lives must be built around Him.”- Leslie Ludy

“If you want to live the Christian life, you will have to realize that Someone Else has to  be in control.” - Eric Ludy

“Jesus says if you want to have me, you must give up that other thing that has you.” - Eric Ludy

“The road to martyrdom is paved with a thousand daily deaths.” - Ben Zornes

“You cannot have complete joy without complete surrender.” - Elsje Bothe

“When you ask to see God do you realize you are asking for a death?” - Ben Zornes

“Jesus was restrained by the Father to do only what the Father was doing, and You are to be restrained by the Spirit to do only what Jesus is doing!” - Eric Ludy

“You’re looking for counselors, there are 66 in the Bible.” - Eric Ludy

“When we pray in the name of Jesus, we carry the authority of heaven.” - Eric Ludy

“God is not interested in you doing this for Him, He is interested in doing things THROUGH you.” - Eric Ludy

“He wants to free you from you, to be about Him!” - Eric Ludy

“I’m glad that our God is not the guy with a pony-tail who wants to toss a frisbee with His saints.” - Eric Ludy

“Everything in this world is designed to oppose your forward movement!” - Eric Ludy

“Be a man, Bride of Christ!” - Ben Zornes

A heart set-apart is closed to everything that is contrary to the nature of God.” - Grace McConnaughey

“You do not sit at the feet of Jesus so you can correct others. It is not your job to convict; it’s the Holy Spirit’s.” -Thaysse Costa

“Jesus may be your homeboy, but if He isn’t your Savior and Lord, you’re still going to hell.” - Ben Zornes

Thursday, March 22, 2012

“Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it…” (Song of Solomon 8:6,7a)

“My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.” (Song of Solomon 2:10-13) 

Monday, March 19, 2012

...and when I look at Him, I know where I belong.

...when I see His hand, I know where I belong.

...when I see His work, I know where I belong.

...when I read His word, I know where I belong.

I belong to Him. I am His. This world has nothing for me.

and so I follow
and Him alone.

Friday, March 16, 2012


This girl enthusiastically came to me and said, "Look, Ate Aileen! Before, my heart was heartbroken (pointing to the heartbroken heart in the drawing) because of Julia (the girl who constantly bothers her). But now, GOD put my heart together and gave me "HAPPYNESS" (pointing to the whole heart). God is inside my heart."

Praise God for His amazing work in this girl's life! I am so amazed to just experience it first hand. He is so amazing!!! What a joy to experience God and the way He works in the lives of people. It is worth living for. He is worth every bit of us.

Monday, March 12, 2012


Ellerslie is not a place where you desire what you can get from Him but you desire ONLY HIM

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

God loves Details

God loves details, even the littlest details. I have heard it once in a God-written love story how God loves details. It is so inspiring. I know it is TRUE. I never thought He would show me the same way.

Yesterday, I was given a task to teach a mission story to the children in a Good News Club (by CEF). The story was about a missionary who was born in Honduras. I was given a one page illustration of the missionary as a snapshot of the story. The time given to me was 5 minutes. The illustration itself will not show so much details of the story that I was about to tell. Ideas came on how to add more visuals to enhance the storytelling. The story told about this boy who enjoyed making slingshots with his friends. I have seen slingshots in the Philippines but here in the US, I haven't seen any. I am not sure if they use it here but to my understanding, they don't use it here. So I know I cannot get a real one to show the kids so I thought I will just show them a picture of it.

As I walking home, I happened to see a branch on the street. It is a Y-shaped branch that is just the same to the one they used for making slingshots. I took it with me to class. As I was teaching, the kids didn't understand what a sling shot is and how it works even after showing them a picture. When I showed them the branch, their eyes lit with amazement and they were so overjoyed!

How true that God loves the details! He knew I was going to teach that lesson. He knew that the kids wouldn't understand what a sling shot is and so He gave! He put the branch on my path so I can use it. It is so rare to see a branch that perfectly resembles a Y! You can rarely see a branch that falls off a tree and it is perfectly shaped and cut for a sling shot!

I was so overjoyed too and looking at the branch made me fall in love with Jesus more. This branch reminds me of His faithfulness and power! He answers the prayers you don't even know you need. What a life-changing moment!

He cares about the details of our lives too. He cares about His call for us. When He calls us to do something, He also provides for everything that we need. He is our provider. He knows ALL things. "He is before ALL things and IN Him, all things HOLD together." Colossians 1:17

Thursday, March 1, 2012

"Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ"
Philippians 3:8

Monday, February 27, 2012

Our life is not our own

Two years ago, I started to serve in the church where we are a member in. Because my skills and experience revolve around computers, I thought I would be more fit to serve in the Auxiliary where we manage the projector and the slides during the service on Sundays. I did try it for a couple of weeks as I was being trained but I knew I wasn't called to be there. In my heart came the calling to serve in the children's church. Children? Aren't they the most unmanageable beings on planet earth? I have heard stories from friends who worked with kids and how they would share how unruly and naughty they can be. I was afraid to take on this call. I applied for it but I didn't hear anything from the head of the Children's Ministry.

During our trip to Kenya, I was able to spend some time and even sit beside the head of the Children's Ministry in our church. We were able to bond and honestly I was really intimidated by her. But God put our seats beside each other and we spent the whole flight just talking about each other. When we arrived in the US, I spoke to her about my desire to help in the Children's Ministry but since I didn't have any car, I would just have to come in when my friend comes in early too. Without any more application, she delightfully accepted me.

I started to help in the Elementary group (from first grade to 4th grade). We had 50 to 60 children for one service. It took a lot on me. I lose my strength after that but I was really inspired by the way the Pastor preached to them and how he related to them. But I had a difficult time dealing with children. I wondered what is really God's plan for me on this. I knew God called me to be in the Children's Ministry but then, I couldn't see it clearly. I stopped for awhile when my friend left and I couldn't get a ride. When she got back, I never went back to the Children's Church.

After long, on October 2011, God has so beautifully crafted His plan when He brought me to a conference in Missouri for Child Evangelism Fellowship. God made it clear there that He has called me for this - for children. and I am so glad He did!

He started to give me a heart for children. He gave me such passion and love for them and I really really enjoy them! After 2 months of seeking His will, I enrolled in CMI - Children's Ministry Institute. I tell you, I love and enjoy every minute of it. He also gave me a car to use by blessing me with a family who has an extra car. As I learn in class, I am submerged deeper into the truths of the cross. I understand it more clearly. He made it so clear to me how He has called me to be a teacher. And though I ran away from it for years and years, He is restoring it. Praise God!

Before I started the classes, I started serving again in Children's Church. This time, I have committed to a time and date. At first it was difficult. I didn't know how to deal with them but yesterday (Sunday), it was so beautiful. I didn't feel so tired anymore. Instead, I was filled with so much love for these children and I really enjoy being with them. Instead of learning, I am being changed. My life has changed drastically. I am so grateful!

God truly knows where our hearts' desires are and if we follow Him, He will show it to us! Our life is not our own!

I look forward to see more of Him and what He will do. He is amazing!

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." Jeremiah 29:11

"Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth's sake." 
Psalm 115:1
"Jesus is what I need. What my family needs from me, what children need from me, what strangers need from me, what my work needs from me - they do not need a 'bettered' me, but a crucified, emptied vessel that overflows with the life of another - Jesus. Be glorified with both the emptying and filling of this life, my blessed Redeemer!" (Psalm 115:1) - Annie Wesche

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ" 
1 Peter 1:13

Friday, February 10, 2012

Set Apart Girl Conference 2012

I am very VERY excited for the Set Apart Girl Conference this year in Windsor, Colorado! Explore God's pattern for femininity and purity and learn how to live a poured out life for Jesus Christ!!! 

Check it out... www.setapartgirl.com

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Crowd vs the Work

The event was over. It was time to clean up. We blew the candles on each table and take them to where they should be. As I walked each way from the candle to the table, table to the candle, candle to the table, and so on, God revealed something to me. I realized that there were so many people in the room. There was enough people to help clean up. However, only 5 people are cleaning. A thought came to me, "If all these people help altogether, this will get done very quickly. It is just like in God's Kingdom."

There are so many Christians in the world. There are so many people who have heard the Good News while there are still billions of people who are dying without Christ. If every Christian will passionately rise up and reach one person at a time, more work will be done in a short time.

As Jesus commanded to "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel," (Mark 16:15) are we still going to sit in our chairs and live in trifles? Or are we going to kneel down before the Father and cry out to Him, seek Him passionately and ask Him to use us to snatch as many people from the kingdom of darkness!

Rise up, oh men and women of God! Let us RISE UP and do what He has called us to do!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Excerpt from "It's Not That Complicated"

Source: http://visionarydaughters.com/2011/11/excerpt-from-its-not-that-complicated

We’re excited to share with you a number of excerpts from our new book. These next few chunks were pulled from “Chapter Seven: The Heart: Victim or Perpetrator? Getting Your Heart to Follow YOU.”

Emotional Purity Revisited
We’re very grateful for the groundwork that has been laid by the Emotional Purity advocates, people who first began to seriously address the problem of handing out bits of our heart with reckless abandon. We, for two, needed to hear about the concept of guarding our hearts, keeping our emotions under control, and being faithful to our future husbands in thought and deed. But we believe this foundation needs a little more built onto it. For many, the concept raised more questions than it answered.
As one girl wrote to us: “My friend + i hav both decided that wee r neva goin 2 d8 + we want our 1st kiss 2 b on our weddings. …[but] i was tellin sum of my friends @ school about the decisions ive made and another question came up, is it wrong to have a crush on a guy? my friend says that you can’t control whether u have a crush on sum1 or not and im not 100 % sure how 2 answer that. Can u guys help?”
Once the idea of emotional purity is introduced, the questions breed like rabbits. “Can you keep from having crushes?” “Is it wrong to have a crush?” “When is it technically a crush, anyway?” “Whatever it is, is it a sin?” “Will they come back to bite me later?” “Will each crush that I’ve had make me love my future husband less?” “Do I need to go find and marry the first boy that I ever liked?” “Did the crushes I had when I was two count against my emotional purity, or do they only start to count at age 13? Is there a crushing age of accountability?” “I’ve given away my heart so many times – is it too late for me to even care?”
To those on the outside, these sorts of questions might sound like silly wranglings over definitions to see what we can get away with, or the perfect ten in female ditziness. But these questions are actually legitimate, and the confusion a big deal, because at the heart of it, we’re talking about our moral responsibilities. When we don’t understand our actual moral responsibilities in this area, we can feel ridden with guilt over things that aren’t actually wrong, and completely unpricked by things that are. We can have a fatalistic “It’s too late to guard my heart because I’ve already botched things so badly” attitude towards doing right in the future. And we can develop an unbiblical fear of doing the things we are actually commanded to do.
We torture ourselves over quandaries like, “At exactly what point in my thought process did my favorable thoughts towards a young man turn into sin? Did I cross the line when I started naming our imaginary future children? …or was it back when I was wondering what color the bridesmaids’ shoes should be? How about when I first admired what a servant’s heart he has?”
We ask the wrong question when we ask, “Is having a crush a sin?” The Bible doesn’t actually say, and the reason is because “emotional purity” is a made-up moral category. And it’s giving a lot of us feelings of (unbiblical) guilt for committing some dreadful nebulous crime that there is no definition for, when the answer would actually be very clear if we phrased the question using biblical terms. There are plenty of real moral categories for real sins – like lust, covetousness, idolatry, fear of man, vain imaginations, and presumptuous sins. How much clearer would things be if we would just go ahead and say, “I’ve made an idol out of a young man; is that wrong?” or, “I’m having lustful thoughts for this guy – is that a sin?”
The Bible gives plenty of clear commands, both positive and negative: Guard your heart. Love the brethren from a pure heart. Think on what is pure and what is true. Don’t covet. Don’t lust. Have self-control. Take every thought captive. Going against any of these clear commands is a sin. This should answer our questions.
See? Now it’s not that complicated again.
Conquering Love
But keeping our love in its proper place is easier said than done. Our hearts want to love. They want to fasten themselves to someone. As woman was taken from the side of man, she yearns to be restored to the side of man. We’ve all known since our highchair days that that’s where we belong. We’re wired to find them fascinating, attractive, and loveable. This is why one of young women’s biggest struggles is keeping that desire to love under control.
A girl once wrote to us, “For a long time I have struggled with unrequited love. I just cannot get over this one young man I know. I love him, but it seems that God has just not ordained that he should love me in return, and I am having the hardest time trying to accept that.”
There is no pain quite like realizing that what we desire most is not what God desires to give us – a pain we’re both keenly familiar with.
The truth is hard to accept, especially when we’re hurting, realizing that we made a mistake when we staked our hopes, our futures, our love, on someone who had no commitment to us in return. The girls who write us such emails are hoping for advice on how to get the young man to return their feelings, but truly the kindest (and hardest) thing we can tell them is this: that their own affections are out of place to begin with. The earlier girls would realize this, the more pain they would be spared. Love doesn’t have to go out of control and harm us. The young men God has placed in our lives don’t have to be sources of pain and heartache. There is a better way. And it requires learning to set boundaries for our own feelings.
But even those who recognize that little schoolgirl crushes are immature and fruitless can still wonder, “Is it wrong to deeply, sincerely desire a young man who is really worthy? One we could really marry?”
One thing our father taught us is that it’s not wrong to respect and admire a godly young man; not even to realize we could marry a man like him. But our legitimate and pure-hearted regard crosses the line into out-of-place love when we stray into one or more of these five mistakes:
1. Seeking our will above God’s
God already has a plan for what must happen with you and every young man you know. In His grand design, He knows who should be married to whom in order for His will to be accomplished, and your duty is to embrace that design as surely as you embrace God Himself. If we really, truly, sincerely love God’s ways, we will be able to do the impossible: Rejoice even if God gives Brandon to someone else, and take joy in the plan He has for us instead. Whenever we feel that we would not be happy with God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven, if that will is different from ours, we’re out of place. If a young man becomes more important to us than God’s will and preferences, he has officially become an idol.

2. Thinking we have a claim over the young man
It doesn’t matter how much we think we understand him, appreciate him, love him, deserve him – if we do not have his ring on our finger, he is not ours. In God’s bigger plan, this young man we’re lavishing so much devotion on might be another woman’s husband. And we might be another man’s wife. If there is no marital commitment, we don’t belong to one another.
Our love may feel pure, perfect, transcendent – but once it lights on a brother in Christ and says “He’s mine – hands off,” it has become selfish, possessive, and jealous. And this is part of the reason we need to resist crushes – because they’re incompatible with real love. That’s right – real love for the young man, and also the people around us. Do we truly love Brandon, enough to want the very best for him? Enough to want something better for him than… us? (If we truly cared about a fellow, would we necessarily think, “Brandon is so amazing… he needs a really special girl. I know! Me! Why, he couldn’t do better!”) How about the other girls? Do we love Amber enough to hope that she will also get a really amazing husband? Even if it’s… Brandon? (“But she can’t have him! Ideserve him!”) If we love the other girls around us, it really will change the way we love the other boys. Because true love conquers all – even crushes.
3. Forgetting who the man is
We’ve all heard it a thousand times, and yet we still forget: It’s the man’s job to choose, the woman’s job to be chosen. And no amount of active searching and window-shopping on our part will actually make our chosen chooser choose us any faster. Wrapping ourselves up in a bow and throwing ourselves at his feet doesn’t count as letting him be the initiator, either. It’s hard to feel powerless, but now is our time to learn patience and trust, to be at peace with the fact that it’s the man’s call. For a girl to “pick” a young man who may never be an option for her is presumptuous, at best. It can be asking for heartbreaking disappointment, at worst.
4. Building castles in the sky
The truth is, we open the door for heart wrenching pain when we stake all of ourselves, all of our thoughts, our whole world – on something that we have no guarantee will happen. Even in a courtship-type situation, when the young man’s interest is certain, it doesn’t guarantee that your future with him is. God may still have other plans (Jas. 4:13-15), and it’s best to be emotionally prepared for them.
5. Letting your brain go out the window
…as our father always put it. Dad taught us that when you’re facing one of the biggest decisions of your life is the time when you most need your wits about you. We all know infatuation is blinding; during this season of getting to know young men as friends, and especially in the next season of getting to know one of them as a potential husband, we will need to have our minds prepared for action (1 Pet. 1:13) and our eyes wide open.
Moreover, as appealing as it may sound, we shouldn’t expect God to lead us through our infatuations. Our hearts, feelings, “intuitions,” and romantic inclinations can all be wrong, no matter how strong they are or how right they feel. One friend of ours was so convinced that her feelings for a particular young man were a sign from the Lord, that she wouldn’t let them go even after his engagement to someone else. On his wedding day, she confronted him for going against the will of God, and told him it was still his destiny to marry her. Obviously, her feelings weren’t proof of anything but the fact that… she had feelings. God leads us through the truths in Scripture, not though our fickle human hearts.
We learned a lot from watching our dear friend – now sister-in-law –Nadia face all five of these temptations. It wasn’t long after Nadia became one of our family’s closest friends that she realized our older brother David was exactly the kind of man she had been praying for. As she describes it, “I was gripped by his humility and purity of heart before the Lord and his passion for proclaiming the Word of God.” She’d never met another man she thought she could help, follow, and complete as well. And yet… she had no guarantee that David was really the man God had chosen for her. Any girl in this situation would be tempted to check out from reality, fixating, wishing, speculating, wondering, hoping… To place her happiness in the contingency that it would work out. To view the young man as “hers.”
But Nadia knew the battle in her heart that she had to fight and win had nothing to do with David. It had to do with finding her satisfaction in God alone. She knew that no matter what happened – even if she married David – she could not be happy until she learned to love God more, know Him better, and desire His will over her own, even if His will for her future didn’t include David. She wanted to learn to love David rightly and desire what was best for him, regardless of whether it would involve her or not. She wanted to be focused on reality – growing and working to be more like Christ and serve Him in the here and now – not distracted by possibilities or fantasies.
Some girls think if there’s a chance the relationship could work out, they should hold on to their infatuations… just in case they were to need those feelings someday. The angst in their hearts isn’t even over “I just can’t stop loving him!” but “Should I stop, or shouldn’t I?” In Nadia’s mind, the question was “Are these feelings right before God, right now? Am I putting my hope in marrying David, or in God? Has my sisterly regard crossed the line into idolatry?”
Wash Me and I Shall Be Whiter Than Snow
Some girls fear that they will have permanent scars from mistakes they have made. They fear that part of them is gone and they can never be made whole again. But the concept of inner purity deals more with the present state of the heart, the mind, and the affections than it does with the past. What we need to be doing is developing a state of heart and mind that is self-controlled and faithful to one man. It’s never too late to repent and do what’s right.
Going back to Ephesians, we see that the Church of Christ was not naturally pure, but had to be sanctified and cleansed “by the washing of water with the word” (Eph. 5:26) before she was ready to be presented before her Groom. David cried, “Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” (Ps. 51:7) Being clean means having been washed. Being pure means being purified – tested, matured, and refined by fire.
More than that, it means being forgiven. Our hearts, if not the rest of us, have all played the harlot, committed murder, and sinned against God. But what did Jesus tell the woman taken in adultery? “Go, and sin no more.” The same love that was extended to her has been extended to us by the same Savior. “If we confess our sins,” says 1 John 1:9, “he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
When Christ saves us, He gives us His righteousness so the Father can accept us as righteous and see us as completely pure – as He is. This is the essence of forgiveness in Christ, which makes us clean in God’s sight. If we have been purified by Christ, we need to learn to dwell in this forgiveness rather than dwell on our former impurity. So think about your future, ladies, not your past. We should live every day in the comforting assurance of this position, and in a way that honors the Savior who bled and died to exalt us to such a place! Once you understand your forgiveness in Christ, you will be able to think and act like a pure woman, and your future husband will be able to truly see you as such.
In King David, we see a heart that was already “after God’s own heart,” but still needed constant maintenance. We should take a lesson from the way he cried out to God in the Psalms to give him continual heart surgery: “Let… the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD.” (Ps. 19:14) And after his affair with Bathsheba: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” (Ps. 51:10)
Some girls have fallen so deeply for someone in the past that they feel they’ve lost that part of their heart forever. But does he own real estate in your heart, or is he just a squatter? We say we can’t get that part of our heart back, but it’s not gone. It’s still in us – still generating special thoughts and feelings for that someone, cherishing sentimental longings and wistful regrets, not letting go. But we can get this corner back. As with conquering sin, this could require taking a knife and cutting away a part of our life. It’s not easy, and it’s not painless – but it’s not impossible. The most emotional, impulsive, anxious, romantic, or vulnerable girl is not powerless to rule this area of her life. Philippians 4:6-7 tells us how:
Do not be anxious about anything
Not even Brandon.
but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
He hears your cries for a godly husband.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding
He can envelop even the most stressful, anxious area of our lives with His peace.
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
This is why it’s possible to guard our hearts and minds: because He makes it possible.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Deepest Prayer of my Heart - I wonder too. I pray.

"My life is but a weaving, betwixt the Lord and me, I do not choose the color --He worketh steadily. He weaveth sorrow and I in foolish pride, Forget He sees the upper, and I the underside. Not tilll the loom is silent, and the shuttle cease to fly, shall God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why. The dark threads are as needful in the Weaver's skillful hand as the threads of gold and silver in the pattern He has planned." 

(Grant Colfox Tullar)
"For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him."

2 Chronicles 16:9

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I just want to share the wisdom that God has shared to me yesterday:

Waiting might be hard. However, it is not the result that we are after. When we wait, we discover God's dream and God's will. And most of all, we get to know Him, His ways, and His heart. That is much more precious than the result. The result may be forgotten as life goes on but our relationship with Him and our knowledge of Him will never vanish.

We ought not to compromise to keep a man because the man who's worth it won't need you to compromise for him to stay.

You can do so much in life but without God, you are nothing. Without God, it will all just be a heavy load. But with God, He gives you the power and grace to do what He has called you to do.

This world is harsh. Thank God I don't belong here. This is not, this is not my home.

The best thing about following God's will is that HE IS THERE. That is more than enough. Would we want to be away from Him? Wouldn't we rather be with Him? The truth is, He is all we need.

Does everything we do build His kingdom or build the kingdom for ourselves? Or perhaps lets me rephrase it: Are we building on the Kingdom that cannot be shaken and destroyed? Or are we building on the kingdom that can?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Charles Spurgeon on Obedience

"You are God’s creature, and yet you have rendered to Him no obedience! You would
not keep a horse or a dog that did not do you some service, or follow at your whistle."

“Sir,” said the Duke of Wellington to an officer of engineers, who urged the
impossibility of executing the directions he had received, “I did not ask your opinion,
I gave you my orders, and I expect them to be obeyed.” Such should be the obedience
of every follower of Jesus. The words which he has spoken are our law, not our
judgments or fancies. Even if death were in the way it is—

“Not ours to reason why—
Ours, but to dare and die;”

"That obedience which is not voluntary is disobedience, for the Lord looketh at the
heart, and if He seeth that we serve Him from force, and not because we love Him,
He will reject our offering."

"Some Christians are very curious, but not obedient. Plain precepts are neglected,
but difficult problems they seek to solve."

"Do what the Lord bids you, where he bids you, as he bids you, as long as he bids you,
and do it at once."

"Love is the chief jewel in the bracelet of obedience."

"Obedience rendered without delight in rendering it is only half obedience."

"It seems to me that half the beauty of obedience consists in obeying the command at

"Which is the best servant—the man who must always have his orders written for
him every morning, and who at night excuses himself for the neglect of many an
obvious duty because, as he says, “It was not down on the paper, sir; I have followed
your instructions,”—is he the better servant, or the other man who thinks, after he
has obeyed his orders, “What ought I to do for my master? Is there not this thing, or
that thing which, though it may not be absolutely recorded or written down, yet is
intended in the spirit of my instructions?” Do you not love the child who looks out for
occasions and opportunities to please you? Do you not feel a satisfaction in accepting
from a friend a kindness which may be almost unexpected, and which manifests to
you that he must have been thinking about you, and has, perhaps, lain awake all
night to consider how he could gratify or serve you? You feel that this is sincere
friendship. So is it with your service for God."

"No man is really saved unless he is in his heart obedient to Christ."

"Obedience is one of the lessons of wisdom which this age needs to learn, for
everybody must be master or mistress nowadays. We all desire to rule, and we all feel
that we could do it far better than the present leaders are doing it."